Hundreds of schools closed as toxic smog chokes Bangkok, Thailand

Air quality in Bangkok is hovering at unhealthy levels as the amount of PM 2.5 exceeded the safe level. Wednesday’s Air Quality Index in Bangkok was 175 at midday.

Arsenic and Lead Found in Fruit Juices in U.S.

After testing 45 popular fruit juices in U.S., the research found elevated levels of cadmium, lead, mercury, and inorganic arsenic (the type most harmful to health) in almost half of them.

Underground pollution in London is 30 times higher than busy roads

UK report has found that spending one hour on the London tube is more toxic than spending all day on above ground in ambient London air.

A new houseplant that can clean your home's air

Researchers at the University of Washington, U.S. have genetically modified a common houseplant to remove chloroform and benzene from the air around it.

Toxic smog reaches ‘severe, emergency levels’ in India’s New Delhi

Poisonous particulate matter known as PM 2.5 hit 500 in some parts of New Delhi, with very poor visibility in some areas. Last year, the high was 450 on Dec 23. The recommended level of PM2.5 in western countries is 25.

City in Australia collects 815 pounds of garbage using drainage nets

The Western Australian town of Kwinana installed nets on 750mm and 450mm-diameter concrete drainage pipe outlets. It was instant success.

Living with air pollution

Globally, long-term exposure to outdoor air pollution is responsible for 4.2 million deaths, according to the World Health Organization, and 9 out of 10 people breathe outdoor and/or indoor polluted air.

Air pollution linked to autism: study

The study of children in Shanghai found that exposure to fine particles (PM2.5) from vehicle exhausts, industrial emissions and other sources of pollution increased the risk of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) by up to 78%.

Plants ability to absorb carbon dioxide efficiently is declining

In natural systems such as grasslands and forests, the availability of nitrogen to plants is declining. With nitrogen deficiency, plants are unable to absorb the same quantity of carbon dioxide as they did previously.

Plastic particles found in every human subject of international study

Tiny particles of up to nine different types of plastic were discovered during the tests. Plastic in the gut could suppress the immune system and aid transmission of toxins and harmful bugs or viruses, experts believe.

India is trying to prevent apocalyptic air pollution

According to a study, stubble burning contributs up to 26 percent of the most harmful particulate matter to Delhi’s winter pollution and even as much as 50 percent on certain days during the burning season.

A Bus That Cleans Up Air Pollution Has Launched in the UK

A bus designed to filter out harmful particles from the air as it drives has launched for the first time in the UK.

Liquid metal discovery to make toxic water safe and drinkable

Researchers have discovered a revolutionary and cheap way to make filters that can turn water contaminated with heavy metals into safe drinking water in a matter of minutes.

EU Cars: Diesel Emissions Greatly Exceed Tests

A new study reports finds that in Europe, 10 major auto manufacturers produced diesel cars, sold between 2000 and 2015, that generate up to 16 times more emissions on the road than in regulatory tests.

Will Seabins save our oceans? The Seabin Project

Seabins are being installed at harbors and marinas across the planet with the simple task of cleaning up garbage and possibly oil floating in the water.